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  • Nate Morris

My conversation with Yahoo Finance about waste and recycling in the COVID-19 era

Yesterday, I joined Yahoo Finance for The Final Round to discuss current challenges – and opportunities – in the waste and recycling industry.

Since March, over 150 million masks have been issued in the United States as well as over a billion gloves. That waste has to go somewhere, and unfortunately, it is showing up in parks, on streets, and at beaches. This problem is being exacerbated by our country’s infrastructure for waste management and an antiquated model that is still in use by traditional waste companies.

As the world becomes more aligned with ESG values, I believe that is what the market will reward for years to come. But we can start today with a more sustainable approach to dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, including the use of non-disposable masks so that we are creating less waste in the first place.

The waste and recycling industry is a tremendous job opportunity for our country. But we have to get the infrastructure policy right using free market solutions that encourage people to do the right thing. We cannot continue to bury our problems.

Watch the full interview here.

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